- Fixed preview in form builder which was only displayed on half of the page width
- Fixed lack of displaying start and due dates for the checklist chapters in gantt chart
Bulk Revisioning
- Fixed displaying only ten results on the list in the bulk revisioning modal Checklists
- Fixed sending single checklist report to the e-mail
- Fixed the "in progress" task status which didn't have the correct status icon displayed in the checklist item
- Added possibility to notify users about uploaded document/revision
- Fixed lack of cancelation for requesting another page of folders or documents when the user selects the folder, this resulted in loading additional folders into newly selected folder
- Fixed lack of possibility to generate a ZIP
- Bugfixes
- Fixed visibility of "change folder access" menu for Contributor with privileges to a folder
- Fixed folder creation when we are in a root
- Fixed folder 3 dots menu which wasn't displaying standard folder context menu
Form builder
- Fixed form preview in form builder which was only displayed on half of the page width
- Added text fields as cloneable
- Fixed checkboxes on the form print which weren't displayed correctly
- Fixed lack of displaying start and due dates for the checklist chapters in gantt chart
- Changed sorting daily task email reminder by date
Private folders
- Added closing the parent folder after changing its type and request the child folders again to update the type of the child folders in the organization's default folder template builder
Project list
- Fixed different visibility of project lists for different user types
Project Group
- Fixed "Save", "X", and "v" in. the create group modal which weren't working
Project survey
- Fixed issue with closing survey popup on angular after clicking the X button
- Updated the reports which uses tasks dueDate to use dueDateSimple.
- Bugfixes
- Fixed missing translation for canceled RFI status in the global search
- Fixed empty setting view when navigating from the react section of the app
- Fixed adding file extension to file name
- Fixed search in the submittal reviewer's member picker
- Fixed sending out duplicated task reminder emails
- Fixed not showing all of the tasks on email list reminder due to dueDate formatchanges
Tech Dept
- Fixed white/blank screen on desktop view
- Fixed wrong behavior when trying to reset a password
Time Card
- Fixed Time cards luck of accessibility from app.fonn.co.uk URL
- Fixed failing email reminders
- Fixed possibility to reject a week on mobile
- Fixed push notifications on mobile
- Bugfixes