- Cloning is now available in Forms! Available for text input and text area field
- Change Request now have a new description field to provide more data. Will be made available on Mobile as well on next mobile release
- Added storing of location exif data in DB - Part-l compliance for the UK. Information in UI to come in later releases

- Fixed issues with opening .dwg files
- Fixed rendering of the vertical radio buttons when printing the custom form template instance
- Fixed sending out duplicated task reminder emails
Boligmappa Integration 2.0
- Added a feature flag for new Boligmappa Integration
Change Request Description
- Added possibility to add change request description in the Issue
- Added CR description on CR list tile after clicking on a CR
- Added possibility to add CR description on a standalone CR
- Added more descriptive descriptions of history log events
- Added possibility to upload multiple documents in multiple places without a need to wait for the first upload to finish
- Fixed issues with opening .dwg files
- Fixed document sorting "Last updated" which was ordering from old to new
- Fixed issues with opening xmlx file on co.uk domain
- Bugfixes
- Added displaying of red dots (hidden from customers)
- Bugfixes
Form builder
- Handle the error messages returned from the API after creating the form with the name in the wrong format.
- Erased old, hardcoded address on ISS forms
- Added text inputs and text areas as cloneable
- Fixed displaying already selected members in member field with possibility to remove them
- Fixed error codes handling when creating the form instance
- Fixed rendering of the vertical radio buttons when printing the custom form template instance
- Bugfixes
Geolocation of photos
- Added storing of location exif data in DB
Marine Manager
- Implemented endpoint for uploading documents to checklists form external API
Mestergruppen Integration
- Added possibility for OrgAdmin to set payload signing on/off when configuring webhook
One Drive
- Bugfixes
- Changed date in project reports email template to EN UK format
- Bugfixes
- Fixed the progress bar which overlapped the file name input while uploading the files in RFI/Submittals
- Fixed empty setting view when navigating from the react section of the app
- Fixed adding file extension to file name
- Fixed search in the submittal reviewer's member picker
- Fixed sending out duplicated task reminder emails
- Fixed not showing all of the tasks on email list reminder due to dueDate format changes
Tech Dept
- Fixed white/blank screen on desktop view
- Fixed wrong behavior when trying to reset a password
- Fixed missing translation for reopened issue status in the global search
- Fixed lack of default translation for Angular pages which resulted in white page after login