Notification settings can be crucial to managing your workload and staying on top of tasks and updates. In Fonn, you're able to personalize your notification settings by clicking on your profile:
You can choose the type and severity of notifications you wish to receive per module. The left-hand column includes email notifications, which can be either informational or critical.
Critical notifications require action from the user, such as an overdue task or someone waiting to respond to an RFI.
Standard notifications include regular updates and emails that may not require immediate attention. There is also the option to turn off notifications altogether.
However, there are certain notifications that Fonn believes are very important and will be sent regardless of the user's notification settings. For example, if you are tagged in an issue, you will receive a notification even if you have configured your settings to "none." This filter can be useful for users who are managing multiple projects and receiving a lot of notifications.
In addition to managing notifications at the individual level, you can also turn off notifications for specific projects. If you are receiving too many notifications for a particular project, you can go to the "watch" option and choose "ignore" to turn off notifications for that project:
This can be useful if you are no longer responsible for the project or if it has been completed.
The software also includes red dots, which indicate that some new items or actions need to be taken. These red dots can be found in various areas, such as the "notifications" bell, the "to do" list, and the "documents" section:
The red dots serve as a reminder to stay on top of tasks and updates.
Overall, the notification settings in Fonn allow users to customize their experience and stay informed about the tasks and projects that matter most to them. By managing notifications at the individual and project levels and utilizing the red dots as reminders, you can effectively manage your workload and stay on track.