How do I add a new user to my Organisation?

Alyda Waterworth
Alyda Waterworth
  • Updated

To add a new user to your Organisation, firstly you must be an Admin user.


1. Click Organisation at the top of your screen



2. On the left-hand menu, click People then Users



3. Here you will see a list of all users currently in your Organisation


4. Click Add user



5. A pop-up will appear for you to add details about the user you wish to add.
Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required


6. Enter the requested details and set the user's preferred language.



7. To link this user to your Organisation, tick the 'Add as a member' option and select Admin or Member


If you are unsure which role the user should have, you can read more about organisational roles here.


8. Once complete, click Create User



9. The user is now added.
If you added them as a member, then any project they create will also be a part of your organisation unless they specify otherwise.

Depending on which role they received, they will also have access to the Organisational panel.



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