- Added date picker to organization time card report so users can customize time range for reporting
- Added possibility to add custom title to scope of works report
- Added possibility to send previously generated report to any email
- Updated propagation when it comes to giving access to folders propagation. Makes it much easier. I’ll provide some materials on this
- Added notification about multiple documents uploaded
- Stopped sending emails to users that triggered the action when it comes to notifications
- Removed feature flag for Horizontal Text Input in form filler. Now available for all on production

- Fixed missing history log entries for Contributor on scope of works items
- Fixed form filler on Firefox
- Documents are only uploaded to the document module from submittal after receiving final positive status
Application Maintenance
- Set minimum Mobile app version to 1.105
Change Requests
- Added project context endpoint for Change request types so they do not depend on organizational context
Scope of Works
- Changed the styling of the geolocation metadata modal window in the checklist item details
- Added detailed history log info after changing parent of checklist item
- Fixed opening of member picker modal twice after clicking on the top area of the member item in the custom checklist report modal
- Fixed missing few history log entries for Contributor on checklist item
- Fixed rename option when downloading a document
- Fixed multiline folder names which were falling out from the navigation header element when the documents list was scrollable
- Bugfixes
Documents notifications
- Added notification about multiple documents uploaded
- Bugfixes
Folders 2.0
- Added information about the access propagation to all underlying folders to the "Change folder access" member picker when granting access to the private parent folder
- Added possibility to change private folder access on tree view, which was already possible from document details
- Added indicator for empty folder on documents tree
- Added indication when folder has no subfolders
- Fixed project folders from organization documents template, which couldn't be made private
- Fixed lack of possibility to navigate organization public/internal folder scopes from the URL.
- Fixed hidden "Show more" button visible under a footer when the folder list is scrollable in the folder's tree view
- Fixed possibility to upload a file to public organizational folder by non-Organization member
- Added counter of available characters to horizontal input list field in form filler
- Increased number of members who user can notify upon submitting the form to 100
- Fixed form filler on Firefox
- Bugfixes
- Fixed incorrect gantt chart Dates after performed bulk change to planned dates Issues
- Bugfixes Mestergruppen
- Added possibility to disable change request workflow on project and organizational level, resulting with not being able to approve/reject change requests in the app, only by the external API
- Stopped sending emails to users that triggered the action
- Fixed RFI reports e-mail notification which had the wrong format date
- Fixed and reenabled submittal reminder push notifications
- Fixed missing organization logo on E-mail notifications
Organization Members
- Fixed disabled 3dots on User Organization section for User who was "blocked in all projects"
Private Issues
- Fixed wrong message displayed when very private issue setting was switched on Project Groups
- Fixed need to click "back" button in browser twice to get out of top-level project group
- Added possibility to send previously generated report to any email
- Added date picker to organization time card report
- Hidden costs and hours in checklist reports for users without permissions to see them
- Fixed displaying removed pins on checklist reports
- Bugfixes
Reports Front Page 1.1
- Added possibility to add custom title to custom scope of works report RFI
- Fixed issue not being linked to the RFI when uploading an image to an issue and linking the issue with an RFI
- Changed transferring uploaded document from submittal only after receiving final positive status
- Fixed blocked edit and remove comment options when task status was other than "Open" regardless of the API returning the permissions as true and the Angular version of the tasks which didn't had such limitations