Creating a Document Structure

Dominika Alexander
Dominika Alexander
  • Updated

You may already have a folder structure in place that you use daily. You can decide to mimic
this on Fonn or start from fresh.

To build your document structure, follow the below steps
1. Go to Organisation Menu
2. From the left-hand menu, select Documents then select Default Folders.
3. Here you will see 2 buttons labelled, Fonn Default Folders & Custom Default Folders


To use the template set out by Fonn, keep Fonn Default Folders ticked (Skip step 4)
To build your own template, tick Custom Default Folders.

4. To build your Custom Folders, click + Create Template.

Give your template a name then click Create:


5. A new page will appear like below:

Using the + Add folder button, begin to build your document structure.


TIP: It is recommended that you include numbers at the beginning of your folder names if you would like to keep them in a specific order, otherwise Fonn will automatically sort them alphabetically.




To build subfolders, click the + icon within the main folder bar, you can then build down as far as you need to.




6. Icons explained:


  Open Padlock Public Folder (All members inside the project can view the contents)
  Closed Padlock

Private Folder (Only Admins, Project Managers and supervisors will
have access straight away. Access to members can be managed manually within the


With a private folder, the option will appear to assign a user group access to this folder. Click the symbol

Pointed Square

A drawings folder. This will enable some additional functionality for drawings.


Edit the name of the folder


+ icon

Add a new subfolder


Recycle Bin

Delete a folder


7. Once you are happy with the structure you have built, return to the Default Folder screen by clicking Default Folders from the left-hand menu. You will see your template in the list with a status set as ‘Not Used’ as it is not yet live in any projects.

8. To make your template active and pull through to future projects click the ‘Set as default' button.

9. Your template is now live and you are ready to create your projects!

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