Customer Highlights:
- Added a new icon that indicates if a photo is missing geolocation data
- Added RFI to the Organization Report where it will be presented as a new tab in the excel spreadsheet
- Company details related to a user is now viewable in issues
Selected Bug fixes:
- Fixed and reenabled submittal reminder push notifications
- Fixed adding project number to project name when renaming project with project number already added
- Fixed the need to click the "back" button in the browser twice to get out of the top-level project group
- Fixed missing overdue indicator on In progress task status
- Removed non PM/Supervisors ability to see check-in information of other users
- Fixed luck of possibility to add tasks to workspec item by member outside
- Fixed visibility of costs for spectator on workspec item
- Removed the pins toolbar from the xeokit viewer in the organization documents.
- Bugfixes
Documents notifications
- Fixed for empty project members list when notifying about the document in public folders
- Bugfixes
Drawings Documents
- Backend for documents drawings metadate extraction
External API
- Added images and thumbnail description of properties in endpoint definition of an Issue Entry payload
Folders 2.0
- Added search in all documents and in current folder
Form Builder
- Fixed inconsistency in form template "description" and "name" fields characters limits between creation and editing
- Fixed white stripe which was rendered on the form preview when limited numbers of fields are available
- Bugfixes
Forms in SoW
- Added API to forms in SoW
Geolocation on photos
- Added different icon based on geolocation data availability (rejected or unavailable)
- Added the company details of the user in issues system entries
- Fixed Seen by indicators on Issue chat
- Bugfixes
- Stopped sending emails to users that triggered the action
- Fixed RFI reports e-mail notification which had the wrong format date
- Fixed and reenabled submittal reminder push notifications
- Fixed missing organization logo on E-mail notifications
- Disabled pdf tron Pins for extension different than PDF, IFC