Managing users within an organization is a crucial aspect of any project. It ensures that everyone is on the same page, and the project is running smoothly. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of adding new users to your Organization in Fonn.
1. To view a list of your users, you will need to first go to the organization tab:
2. From there, click on People and select Users:
3. Once you click on users, you will be able to see the list of users that are currently within your Organization.
4. If you want to add a new user, you can do so by using the orange button near the right top that says Add User:
5. After clicking on it, you will be able to enter in the member’s email as well as their password:
6. After creating the user's password, you will need to make sure that you share it with them so they can log into their account.
In the “Add User” form, you have to also type in their first name, last name, phone number, and language.
7. You can decide if you'd like to add them as a member to your Organization and choose a role for them. When they will become a member of your Organization, you will be able to add them to all your projects from Organization. If you choose an “Admin” role they will have the same access as you do:
Organization members and admins will be able to create new projects on behalf of the company.
8. Once you have all of that filled out, you can hit “Create User”:
9. This means that the user has been created, you will be able to see them on the list. You can see their name, their email address, and their Organization role, which can be changed anytime:
10. You can also see the projects that a specific member is currently a member of on the right-hand side. You can click on it and it will show you a detailed summary of all projects, the role and the status this user has:
11. If you use the three-dot buttons under “Actions”, you can decide to add this member to all your projects or make her the owner of all projects:
12. To manage permissions, click on "Add to projects." You'll see six different project roles, each with different levels of access:
PROJECT MANAGER: can change anything within the project and have the highest permissions.
SUPERVISOR: can verify completed items, and edit almost anything regarding the project.
CLIENT: can report issues, create tasks and handle change requests.
CONTRIBUTOR: can be assigned tasks, upload photos and documents and complete tasks.
SUPPLIER: can be assigned tasks, upload photos and complete tasks.
SPECTATOR: can view the project, but can not make any changes.
Before you decide to assign any role to a member, I highly recommend getting familiar with our Role Permission Matrix.