1. On your project front page, find "Documents" in the navigation bar on the left side of your screen.
2. Navigate to the folder where you wish to upload your document or create a new folder by clicking on the "Create folder" button. In this example we chose the folder "Drawings":
3. In the selected folder there are two ways of uploading a document:
- Click the "Add document" button, and choose a file from your computer.
- Drop the file directly into your browser.
In the example, option #1 is used.
4. Nagivate to the file you want to upload, and click "Open" to upload the file you have selected.
5. You can now rename the file, if you want to. The filename will by default have the same name as it does locally on your computer.
6. Click "Upload document", to save the document in your project:
Your document is now uploaded, and you can see the document in the folder you selected earlier.
All project members with access to this folder can also see and download this document.
1. On your project frontpage, press "Documents":
2. In documents choose the folder where you want to upload the document, or press the + icon to create a new folder.
In this example we will use the folder "Quality descriptions".
3. In the folder, press the + icon to upload a new document.
4. Choose "Document":
5. Tap anywhere on the empty surface, to upload a document.
6. Then select the document source.
- Files: A file you have saved on your phone, or cloud.
- Camera: Take a picture, and upload it.
- Gallery: Choose a file from your gallery.
In this example "Files" is selected.
7 . Select the file you wish to upload.
8. Here you have the option to rename the file, before it is uploaded. When you are ready, press "Save".
Your file has now been uploaded, and can be seen and downloaded by other members in your project, who have access to the folder where the document was placed.
1. On your project front page, press "Documents" :
2. In documents choose the folder where you want to upload the document, or press the + icon to create a new folder.
In this example we will use the folder "Quality descriptions".
3. In the folder, press the + icon to upload a new document.
4. Choose "Document"
5. Then select the document source.
- Files: A file you have saved on your phone, or cloud.
- Camera: Take a picture, and upload it.
- Gallery: Choose a file from your gallery.
In this example "Files" is selected.
6. Select the file you wish to upload, press "OK"
7. Here you have the option to rename the file, before it is uploaded. When you are ready, press the checkmark.
Your file has now been uploaded, and can be seen and downloaded by other members in your project, who have access to the folder where the document was placed.