- Generate
- Fill out
- Locate
Generating a form
1. Open the project where you want to fill out the form
2. In the navigation menu, click on Forms
3. Inside the Forms window, click the Fill in form button next to the template you want to use
4. Give your form a name, and click Save
Filling out the form
1. After selecting which template to use and giving it a name, you will see an empty form ready to be filled out
The different inputs here will vary based on which template you selected in the previous steps.
2. Once you have filled out the form, you have a number of options
- Preview
This will let you preview how the filled in form will look once it has been submitted, without actually submitting it.
Download a PDF version of your form. Before hitting print, you should click the Save draft button first, so the PDF includes any inputs you might have made.
- Save draft
Saves all your inputs in the form, without converting it to a PDF. This allows you to save the form without locking in your inputs.
After saving as draft, a new Edit button will appear where the preview button was earlier. Click the Edit button to continue filling out your form.
- Submit document
Locks the form and turns it into a PDF document, located in the document folder Forms (PDF) in the project where you generated the form.
After submitting a form, you are no longer able to make changes.
- Attach images
Attach additional images to your form, without the need for a separate Image upload field on your forms.
Locating your Forms
Locating a draft
1. Open the project you created the form in, and select Forms in the navigation menu
2. Click on the name of the template you used
3. Find your Form in the list, and click Edit
4. From here you can keep filling it out, or submit the form. Submitting the form will make it show up in the Forms folder.
Locating a submitted form
1. Open the project you created the form in, and select Documents in the navigation menu
2. Find a folder named Forms (PDF), and a subfolder which has the same name as the template you selected for your form