This is an Action, and will require a Trigger for step #1. This guide will handle step #2 of the Zap.
After setting up step #1 of your zap, select Fonn as your app for step #2.
Select "Create Project" as your Action Event.
When selecting a Fonn account, Zapier will ask you for an application token.
If you are unsure on how to find your token in Fonn, click here.
Which data goes where?
* = Required
The name of the project.
Multiple choice dropdown menu.
Multiple choice dropdown menu.
Street address*
The address of the project.
The city of the project.
Post code*
The post code of the project.
Country code*
The country of the project in ISO-code format using only 2 letters.
Example: GB (United Kingdom), NO (Norway), US (United States)
Which state the project is located in
Project group ID
If the project should be created inside an existing project group, paste the project group ID here.
Project number
Project number of the project
External folder ID
ID of the external folder for the project. Only usable if you are using external folders.
Internal number
Internal identifier number of the project
Municipality number
Project Municipality number
Cadastral unit number
Project Cadastral unit number
Property unit number
Project property unit number
Leasehold unit number
Project unit number
Condominimum unit number
Project condominimum unit number
Irish National Postcode System number
Project Irish National Postcode System number
External ID
Project External ID
Project timezone
Example: Europe/Oslo, America/New_York, Europe/London
Project culture
Project description
After data has been filled in
You can now perform a test of your Zap. If you prefer not to test your Zap before activation, you can choose to skip test.
Your Zap is now ready for use!