Everything you need to know about: Fillable PDF's

Alyda Waterworth
Alyda Waterworth
  • Updated

Here we will cover off everything you need to know about fillable pdf's and how they work within Fonn.

What are they?

A fillable PDF is a PDF document that includes certain fields that are editable without PDF-editor software.

How do these work within Fonn?

Within Fonn, you can create forms. However sometimes you may want to use tables for users to fill out, this is where fillable pdf's come into effect. 

You can use a third party software to create your fillable pdf's, then upload this under the Documents section in Fonn. Users can then log in and fill out this document the same way they would with Forms. The completed document can then be saved within a specific folder.

Once you have your document ready, follow the below steps how to upload it to Fonn:

  1. Log into Fonn
  2. Select your Project
  3. Select the folder you wish to upload the document to
  4. Use the '+ Add Document' button or drag & drop the file into your browser
  5. Click Save
  6. Your document is now uploaded and ready to be filled out within Fonn.



Saving a form

Once you have completed a pdf form you have a few options when saving:



1. Save as 'New file'
This will save the pdf form as a new file within your specified folder. 


2. Save as 'New file (Read Only)'
This will save the pdf form as a new file. This file will be a flat copy and cannot be edited further.


3. Save as 'New revision'
This will save the pdf form as a new version within the original form, you can view all versions via the right hand side menu.



4. Save as 'New revision (Read Only)'

This will save the pdf form as a new version of the original form. This file will be a flat copy and cannot be edited further.



Contact Support

If you have any questions/queries regarding creating fillable pdf's or how they work please get in touch via the following:




UK: +44 (0)800 520 0164
US: +1 (888) 418 1995

24/7 Chat:

Click the 'Chat' button and submit some details for support


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