What can I do with the Gantt View?
- You can set planned start dates and due dates
- You can update the item’s status (Open, In Progress, Complete, Verified)
- You can set the responsible person
- You can link items with predecessors and successors using standard dependencies:
- “Finish to Start” - target task can’t start before the source task ends (but may start later)
- “Start to Start” - target task can’t start until the source task starts (but may start later)
- “Finish to Finish” - target task can’t end before the source task ends (but may end later)
- “Start to Finish” - target task can’t end before the source task starts (but may end later)
- You can use Auto-Scheduling to control planned start and finish dates
- NOTE: If you use Gantt view to auto-schedule, you must change dates in the Gantt View to apply auto-scheduling to successor and predecessor items
- You can mark the progress of an item (percent complete)
- You can export a snapshot of the Gantt View to PDF or to Excel