- Added organizational and project toggle setting to include front page on all AFR PDF reports which includes SoW, RFI, Issues, Change Requests, and Daily
- Added options to notify project’s contact person and client about submitted form
- Added checkout location (GPS) data visible for Project Manager/supervisor

- Fixed user redirect to root folder, instead of the parent folder after deleting the folder that is nested in another folder
- Fixed 400 error which was thrown when updating the file and leaving empty the “revision title” ,“revision date” and “description” inputs.
- Fixed removing already selected members in member pickers when using the search
- Fixed lack of handling for special characters in importing Folder names from system admin import
- Added checkout location (GPS) data visible for Project Manager/supervisor
Scope of Works
- Added cloning required Image & required Comment properties along with the cloned Scope of Works chapter / item
- Fixed errors when importing the template with "space" at the end of the checklist's index
- Fixed errors when leaving the "date" input empty while updating the document
- Fixed user redirect to root folder, instead of the parent folder after deleting the folder that is nested in another folder
- Fixed 400 error which was thrown when updating the file and leaving empty the "revision title" ,"revision date" and "description" inputs.
- Bugfixes
External API
- Added Document how impersonation works
- Improved process of API access request
- Emitted webhook upon adding comment to SoW
- Exposed for external API endpoint for removing users from organization
Form builder
- Added options to notify project's contact person and client about submitted form
- Updated permission to change form privacy to form author and PM/supervisors
- Fixed Datepicker in multiple signature form field which was titled as "DateTime" instead of "date"
- Added displaying actual percentage on gantt instead rounding every 5%
- Updated Gantt library to newest version
Geolocation on photos
- Fixed missing information in Images Metadata Mandatory fields in SoW
- Added requirements for status change to complete/verfied which didn't include permissions
Personal notifications
- Fixed lack of possibility to disable RFI notifications for mobile
Project members
- Fixed removing already selected members in member pickers when using the search
Reports front page
- Added organizational toggle setting to include front page on all AFR PDF reports
- Removed "include front page" from Custom Checklist Report modal
- Added project toggle setting to include front page on all AFR PDF reports
- Bugfixes
System Admins
- Fixed lack of handling for special characters in importing Folder names from system admin import
- Added overdue indicator for in progress tasks