Android & iOS
- Added new flow for verification of SoW with mandatory items. Users are now told they have to complete a mandatory item before marking SoW item as complete. Users are also told that deletion of said item would mean that progress regresses from Complete/Verified to In Progress (This functionality is only available currently with SoW imported via PowerProject, will be made available for other SoW later in Q2)
- Added tasks statuses counters on tasks list view
- Added support for displaying Rejected tasks on the Tasks screen

Android & iOS
- Fixed pin placement across platforms. Pins have never worked better between iOS, Android and Web!
- Fixed pin placement and displaying it between platforms
- Added new flow for completing/verifying SoW items with required fields
- Updated PDFTron
- Added tasks statuses counters on tasks list
- Added support for displaying Rejected tasks on the Tasks screen
- Bugfixes
- Fixed pin placement and displaying it between platforms
- Moved option to set the folder as public/private from the left swipe to the right swipe "more" options
- Fixed lack of possibility to create change request within the issue, when pending issue is already created
- Fixed lack of possibility to delete the form instances from the search results
- Fixed lack of possibility to notify the project managers and supervisors from the search results about the issue
- Added new flow for completing/verifying SoW items with required fields
- Added in app notifications that SoW status will change once the only comment or image is removed from a "Completed" or "Verified"
- Fixed selection of the planned start date greater than the due date which was possible when setting the dates for chapters in scope of works
- Fixed lack of availability of past dates on the scope of works "Set start/end date" selector for the whole parent sections
- Fixed cropped details of the form linked to the scope of works from the search results
- Fixed lack of possibility to Log the time in the scope of work item if no activity was submitted to the timecard in the current week
- Bugfixes