- Form report is now updated to include all submitted forms!
- Forms (PDF) folder in the document module is now hidden from the spectator role
- Issue description is now treated as a separate field in the issue module
- Issue Summary Report layout now has an updated sorting of entries from oldest to newest

- Fixed default added members to private issues which weren't selected on the member picker when creating the issue
- Fixed Standard/system issue categories which weren't displayed on project report
- Fixed Drawing and writing on PDF documents in simple viewer which were not saving
- Fixed ability to expand left hand feature list when in issue
- Added outside project region label when localisation on mobile was disabled
- Hidden drawing and writing options on PDF documents in simple viewer
- Added missing label informing about giving access to private folders in the new document's view
- Bugfixes
Drawings Documents
- Added message "We were unable to read Document metadata"
- Added Drawing folder in org folder templates
- Bugfixes
External API
- Shortened API methods titles
- Used standarized naming ("Operation name") for endpoints
- Added new checklist node for hours planned
Folders 2.0
- Added possibility to select documents using shift key
- Added option to notify in project folders
- Hidden Forms Folder for Spectator role
- Added possibility to expand feature list (left hand side) on Issues Screen
- Changed the Issue description into a separate "description" field instead of being added as the issue text entry
- Fixed default added members to private issues which weren't selected on the member picker when creating the issue
- Updated Issue Summary Report layout (sorting comments)
- Added all Versions of Submitted Forms to Organization Form Template Report
- Added new system entry for issue description update
- Fixed member picker on the custom scope of works report modal which wasn't showing the selected member
- Fixed wrong user avatars rendered on the issue's discussion report
- Fixed Standard/system issue categories which weren't showed on project report
- Bugfixes
Scope of Works
- Added notification about the SoW status change once the only comment or image is removed from a "Completed" or "Verified" SoW item that contains "requireImage" and "requireComment" set to true
- Added missing events for removing Image from checklist
- Rewritten project settings -> details page to React