1.26 [May 18th 2023]

Dominika Alexander
Dominika Alexander
  • Oppdatert
:star2: Customer Highlights:

Android & iOS:

  • The image flow (clicking the camera icon on the bottom navigation menu) now recognizes project context. So if you are already inside a project, and tap camera icon, there is no need to select project as project selection has already implicitly occurred.
  • Introduce permission handling for pins on mobile
:bug: Selected Bug fixes:
  • Fixed lack of possibility to track time except for current week





• Fixed folder management which differed from the web app

• Added handling setting for enforcing location permission when taking a photo

• Fixed loading the issues

• Fixed snippet information while we attempt to create an issue from document view

• Added project recognition in new image flow when user is already in a project context

• Added permission handling for creating pins

• Added support for private forms folder (not yet available on web app)

• Fixed showing empty project member list after clicking 3-dots menu on edit project members

• Fixed missing redirect to project list on user registration

• Fixed lack of possibility to track time except for current week

• Bugfixes



• Fixed changing the status of the change request from "accepted" to "pending" when linking an issue to it

• Fixed displaying only results in current folder when uploading the documents using the new flow

• Fixed canceling the document edit instead rotating document

• Fixed loading pagination results when changing the sorting method in documents

• Fixed pagination results when creating a new folder

• Added handling setting for enforcing location permission when taking a photo

• Added Information that the SoW item will change its status to 'Open' when a required comment or image is removed from a "Completed" or "Verified" SoW in a project without the "In Progress" status

• Added project recognition in new image flow when user is already in a project context

• Added issue flow to new image flow

• Fixed app crashes when canceling image upload in the new image flow

• Added permission handling for creating pins

• Added support for private forms folder

• Fixed redirect to the empty task when tapping on a push notification stating that the task was deleted

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