1.155 [June 20th 2024]

Dominika Alexander
Dominika Alexander
  • Oppdatert

⭐️ Highlights:

  • Organization check-in report is now available for org admins. It allows you to run the check-in report across all projects in the organization in a specified time-frame 
  • New Scope of Works view is set as default for users. Fonn will however remember user preferences if you prefer the old view
  • Single issue report will now show all images related to issue, and not limit to eight images per entry. It will also show discussion 
  • Introduction of organization toggle to control privacy of tasks - This organization toggle allows organization to choose whether they want to give clients access to view tasks in projects they are part of. Note that this toggle will not change behavior for tasks where the client is the creator or responsible person. 
  • Documents
  • Improved folder upload experience, now showing full file paths, and created folders when uploading
  • Users can now move public project folders to other public folders, making it easier to navigate and organize your documents

 🐛 Selected Bug Fixes:

  • Supervisors can now set Boligmappa integration 
  • Task report Was missing description field 
  • Fixed Progress bar in folder upload in docuemnts

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