1.162 [September 26th 2024]

Einar Austlid
Einar Austlid
  • Oppdatert

 ⭐️ Highlights:

  • Forms
    • Form template creators can attach an Instruction document to a form to help guide users on accurate form completion. This feature was released a few weeks ago, and now we have added support for mobile users to view the instruction document when filling out a form.
    • Signature field can now be cloned to allow for multiple sign-offs on a form
  • Change Requests
    • All contributors will now have access to create their own change requests if change requests are turned on at the project level
    • Contributors will not have access to change request overview. They will not see the budget overview, and will not see any data that they haven’t entered themselves for example change requests from other users.
    • Contributors can create, and delete their own pending change requests
  • Drawings
    • Fonn will now detect when files are raster and inform user that drawings cannot be processed
    • Optimized Drawings Reader (Meta-Data Extractor) to work for more drawing types
  • SoW
    • Users can now filter Scope of Works structure by issues to make it easier to find troublesome items. Users filter on just open items to easily identify where actions must be taken.
    • Users can now also remove planned start and due date to leave the values blank.
  • Issue aside-modal
    • Improved flow for creating issues in documents, scope of works, forms and image module. Users now stay in the context of where they are creating the issue, instead of being navigated to issue module right away, so users can continue working where they were
  • Submittals
    • Fixes to revision number

🐛 Fixes:

  • Turning off Front Page on form template during creation of the template does not save

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